Thursday, February 14, 2008

Is computerization of industry always a good thing ?

In many factories and offices, people are losing their jobs because computers are now being used to do the work that people once did.

The global economy has been developing day by day as a result of technological growth, especially in the field of computerization. In fact, the computerization industry often benefits positively to industrialized factories in specific and social development in general. First of all, industrial computerization has resulted in an improvement in the quality and quantity of products. As a consequence, the factories which apply technology are often able to receive more profit from wealthy investors. Furthermore, costumers are extremely encouraged to buy quality products, so these factories have a lucky chance to expand their products to foreign countries. Secondly, the computerization of industry is, perhaps, a good method to decline works accidents. Employees often feel completely comfortable and safe when they use machines to do their job. Most workers, for example, believe that using technology in industry is not also safe for them but also very effective.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Describe a serious environmental problem that exists in your home country today and explain how there could be an engineering solution to it ?

Since the war was finished, the development of economics of Vietnam has increased without tending to stop. However , the more economics expands , the more environmental problems appear. They are air pollution, water pollution etc. In this paragraph, this writer wants to describe the air pollution, which is one of the gravest problem Vietnam’s government have faced for over 20 years, as well as explain an engineering solution. Actually, there is a rapid rise in the population of my country, so that the enormous increasing numbers of means of transportation and industrial zones were predicted is easy to understand. One example of increasing numbers of industrial zones in Vietnam is that in 2007 Ho Chi Minh, the biggest city in Vietnam, had two more districts in the suburbs which leads to the appearances of many industrial zones. Another instance for the rapid rise in vehicles is, according to Mr Nguyen .D.H. (2006), environmental researcher, approximately 200,000 tons of petrol fuel and 190,000 tons of diesel are consumed each year. They are definitely impressive numbers which prove a fast economics development as well as a serious pollution in Vietnam. As an engineer in the future, the writer thinks that there is one possible engineering solution for such horrible problem. That is the method of producing filters for elimination pipes of factories and means of transport.

What are some potential negative effects that climate change could have on your country or the world as a whole?

In the past 20 years, the climate has changed so much mostly caused by serious pollution. It is an indispensable effect as there are large increases in the industrial zones as well as means of transport and unpredictable decrease in the area of forests. As a result, a lot of potential negative effects, mostly due to climate change, appear. First of all, the effects on weather are actually dangerous which effect s directly to the lives of people. The most serious consequence effecting on the weather is the increasing in temperature, which tends to rise rapidly in the near future. According to Wikipedia, over the last 50 years, the temperature in the southern part of the Arctic region (home to 4,000,000 people) has increased 1 °C to 3 °C (1.8 °F to 5.4 °F). Moreover, the climate change will lead to an under-estimated development in economics of some countries. Mr Stephen Mwakifwamba, national co-ordinator of the Centre for Energy, Environment, Science and Technology argued that the climate is far less predictable and we might have floods in May or droughts every three years. In addition, the rains come at the wrong time for farmers and it is leading to many problems. As a result, there will be more unsuccessful harvest in the near future.

Friday, February 8, 2008

About Manchester United, one part of my life

I am a MU fan and I often log in to MU fan club website. This is one of my friend favorite post and I want to share with you !

Honey, have you ever thought that there are a lot of differences between us? To me, sometimes, I wonder why we can love each other when we have no same characteristic.

I love soccer but you don’t. You are always not pleased when I talk about soccer. You force me to be interested in fashion, in which you are expert ... I have tried, however I often just an old-fashioned guy in your eyes. I am sure that you have the same feeling when I talk passionately about soccer, am I right?

I did think that you would rather be fan of Arsenal – the enemy of my Red Devil, than you do not know anything about soccer and often ask me something like : ”Why can the goalkeeper use hands”...

By chance, I took part in one MU forum from Vietnam and have spent a lot of time, which made you sad and disappointed. I am sure that you can’t understand why I can indulge in a soccer club which you and I just know on TV...

“Which do you choose between Red Devil and I?”

I imagined one day you ask me this question. If I choose you, Red Devil seems not to change, because there are more than 330 millions of MU fans all over the world like me, who think MU is one part of their lives, which is something that is close and can’t be explained.

But if I choose Red Devil but not you, I am sure that I am not happy, because I need someone to share and be with to overcome all obstacles in such difficult life. Your love may make me happier than anything.

Please do not ask such question, because I can’t give you my answer which can not only satisfy you but also my true feeling.
Why don’t you try to discover soccer? No one knows one day you love Red Devil more than I do and it is my turn to be jealous.

Please try one time, honey! However, after that you like Arsenal. Anyway, we have one more same favorite. If you like me to “study” about fashion and shopping to become an expert like you, I will do. The reason is simple, because I love you ^^

Friday, February 1, 2008

Environmental topic

What is the main reason affecting seriously polluted environment to the biggest city in Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh ?

The biggest city in Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh city, had been seriously polluted for a long time ago. Specially, in the past ten years, the environment of Ho Chi Minh has been horribly damaged mostly due to the increase in the means of transport and industrial zones. The first and maybe the main reason leading to the terrible pollution in Ho Chi Minh is the rapid rise in the means of transport. According to one research of Mr Nguyen Duc Hiep in 2006, approximately 200,000 tons of petrol fuel and 190,000 tons of diesel are consumed each year. The emission into the air is about 2,200 tons of SO2, and 25 tons of lead. Unfortunately, during peak traffic period, on Cach Mang Thang Tam Street, the vehicle density count is 10,000 per hour compared to 5,800 per hour in 1990 and only 2,800 per hour in 1985. More terribly, one professional from Environment Protection Authority concluded that 90% lung cancer cases will be mostly caused by air pollution in the near future. The last but not least, not only the air but also the water are seriously affected by industrial waste. Almost all of these sources are located in residential areas .In addition, many of the types of equipments and technology are old and has been in operation for more than 10 years. Some of them are more than 25 years old and are not fitted with any pollution control devices. So that, a large amount of dangerous waste, which is discarded into air and rivers day by day, is easy to understand.