Friday, February 1, 2008

Environmental topic

What is the main reason affecting seriously polluted environment to the biggest city in Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh ?

The biggest city in Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh city, had been seriously polluted for a long time ago. Specially, in the past ten years, the environment of Ho Chi Minh has been horribly damaged mostly due to the increase in the means of transport and industrial zones. The first and maybe the main reason leading to the terrible pollution in Ho Chi Minh is the rapid rise in the means of transport. According to one research of Mr Nguyen Duc Hiep in 2006, approximately 200,000 tons of petrol fuel and 190,000 tons of diesel are consumed each year. The emission into the air is about 2,200 tons of SO2, and 25 tons of lead. Unfortunately, during peak traffic period, on Cach Mang Thang Tam Street, the vehicle density count is 10,000 per hour compared to 5,800 per hour in 1990 and only 2,800 per hour in 1985. More terribly, one professional from Environment Protection Authority concluded that 90% lung cancer cases will be mostly caused by air pollution in the near future. The last but not least, not only the air but also the water are seriously affected by industrial waste. Almost all of these sources are located in residential areas .In addition, many of the types of equipments and technology are old and has been in operation for more than 10 years. Some of them are more than 25 years old and are not fitted with any pollution control devices. So that, a large amount of dangerous waste, which is discarded into air and rivers day by day, is easy to understand.


Brad Blackstone said...

I'd like to talk with you about the strengths and weaknesses of this post. But where are you?

Pascal Gekko said...

Same things happen in my country where there are a lot of cars which have been used for more than 10 years. The government should not let a vehicle to be used for more than a period amount of time because this kind of vehicle will be really 'effective' in polluting the environment.